Monday, January 9, 2012

No wonder you're late. Why, this watch is exactly two days slow.

It's official, my birthday is a mere 30 days away and I have yet to inform you of what I would like to recieve to celebrate ME!  This is mainly for my mamamooa, however, if anyone else would like to get me anything from this list you are more than welcome to do so.  :)

One thing that I will always enjoy recieving would be gift cards, as long as they are to places I would normally shop.  Such as Michaels, Fabricland, Chapters, Starbucks, Winners or Ardenes (They have the cutest pair of boots there that I just LOVE but I am too cheap to buy!).

Secondly, something that I would absolutely adore, a cute new teapot!  I have a few examples below of what styles I like.

This one is actually for DAVIDsTEA if anyone would like to get it for me, it's actually pretty cool.

I don't really expect to get one like this as they are very expensive, but it's just so pretty and I love the colour!

And then there is this one.  I really don't have any words to express my fondness towards this one, it's just so pretty.  I think the tea would just taste better being poured from a golden spout.

Thirdly, to go with my new teapot, mis-matched vintage teacups and saucers!  I would host tea parties on a daily basis if I set a set like this!

And the spoon, would you just LOOK at the SPOON.  I'm dying here.
The last few things on my list are dedicated to my crafty side,
 A new pair of pinking shears.  I had a pair of these a few years ago and I don't know what happened to them and I would really enjoy getting a spiffy new pair to add to my collection!

Also, I have recently decided that I would like to take a go at quilting, so if someone would like to gift me some rotary cutters and a mat, it would be muchly appreciated!
And last but not least, some fun craft books.  I'm always looking for something new to try and there is only so much you can find for free on the internet :)

Happy Gifting, and let's celebrate ME!  Because I'm turning twenty-three and don't want to! :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

C'mon Everybody, Here We Dingdingdingdingggg!!!

I had a dream the other night that I was in a pet store and they had giant hampsters for sale!! They were the coolest things I had ever seen!  When they purred, it began sounding like a regular cat purr, it then turned into the Hampster Dance, and ended sounding like Crazy Frog.  It was the coolest hampster I has ever seen.  For Serious.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Would you like me to MEOW?

I'm "working right now at a Gymnastics tournament.  I had nothing better to do, until a brilliant thought tickled my brain, -why not make a post?  So by golly, friends, that's what I decided to do.

My sister recently went to London and I am in the process of cat-sitting.  This is NOT as fun as it sounds.  Don't get me wrong, I love cats just about as much as the average cat lover, but this cat has some serious issues.  I was gone for one, that's right, one day, and when I got back this cat would seriously not leave me alone.  I would be watching tv, and she'd be sitting on my lap.  When I went to the bathroom, she was there.  When I would be walking through the house, she would weave in between my legs and then got mad at me if I would step on her tail.  When I would go to sleep, she wouldn't just be sleeping beside me, she would be ontop of me, on my head, in my armpit, between my legs, and when I woke up this morning, right in front of my face staring at me.  Mittens, I love you and even though you are cute and in some ways resemble a sloth, could you please just leave me alone!?

....And one last story to delight your retinas, this morning when I was realy working in the store, this man came in in full on pajamas, including robe and slippers.  He told me he was sick.  He didnt look so sick to me.

Friday, February 4, 2011

If I told you it was my birthday soon, would you hold it against me...?

My Birthday is on tuesday!!  I didn't realize it was soo close!  I hope it's not too late to give my Birthday wish list!  There isn't much that I want, but I think they are reasonable, I am turning 22 after all.

So, number one on my list: A new Toyota Logo for my car.  If you don't already know, I got in a car accident one sunday morning on my way to work and therefore, it is missing. :(

An iron and ironing board.  (pictured below)  This is the exact one that I want.  And as for the board, I really dont care just as long as it  is adorned by a cute fabric cover.

Believe it or not, but I have been wanting this iron since I was 14, just haven't bought it yet.

Esspresso Machine.  I am trying to not buy starbucks as much anymore so if someone could be oh so kind as to purchase me one of these do-hickies, I would be eternally grateful.  I would even make you the first drink! :)

Breville Die-Cast Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine! :)

TOMS.  Toms, Toms, Toms, Toms.  I need new work shoes, and I would like them to be a pair of Toms, and when you buy one for me, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need.  You can't go wrong with that now peoples!  These are the ones that I like.



As always, I enjoy gift cards of various currancies from my favorite stores such as: Chapters, Sephora, Fabricland, Homesense, IKEA, Lush...or VISA gift cards will work as well.

A Million Dollars, or even better, a winning lottery ticket.  I bought myself my very first lottery ticket last week, and didn't win anything! not even a dollar! So I am now refusing to buy one again, but if someone else buys one for me, preferably the winning one, well....that would be allowed.

As you can see, I am not asking for much, and I hope that I get everything I want.  So, CHOP! CHOP! get them while there hot! My birthday's on Tuesday! Happy Shopping!

Friday, December 10, 2010

When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun. Then, you grow up and learn to be cautious

Today I had to go into Vancouver for an appoitment.  As I was pulling into the parking garage, I could hear the two men working there talking.  After realizing that the most adorable, old man was talking to me, I started to listen.  He was saying how girls always look there best and that I looked very pretty today, and then he said, "you have a lucky man".  Uhhh...First things first, there is no man, but I will accept your compliment, and perhaps lunch..on you. ;)

If You're Not Over Here in Fifteen Minutes, You Can Find a New Best Friend.

Dear Man Walking through Price Smart wearing your pajamas (including a black fuzzy house coat),

Is it really that hard to put on some jeans, or at the very least, a jacket before you walk out the door?  You not only look ridiculous, but you are also making everybody around embarassed for you.
That is all.  Thank-you and Happy Holidays.
Sincerly yours,


Friday, November 26, 2010

My Christmas Wish List! ♥

1. SodaStream pop maker!

2. A new bed set

This one is my favorite! ♥

This one is my second favorite! :)

3. A winter jacket
These ones are my favorites! (all available at Sport Check I might add ;) ) 

The North Face

Helly Hansen


4. Beauty and the Beast on DVD!

5. Picture frames/artwork (non-ugly)

6. Gift cards!

Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Sephora, La Senza, IKEA, Homsense will all do!

7. And of course, Money is always nice!